Cosmetic Dentistry Cary, NC

Cosmetic Dentistry in Cary, NC

At Kildaire Family and Cosmetic Dentistry, Dr. Elise Brace offers cosmetic dentistry in Cary, NC. The treatments can be utilized to makeover patients smile. Dr. Brace will meet one on one with each patient to learn more about their cosmetic goals. Then she will create a treatment plan to help them achieve these goals.

She is committed to ensuring that each and every patient receives personalized and high-quality dental care. Learn about how porcelain veneers, Invisalign, and professional teeth whitening treatments can brighten and straighten your smile. Dr. brace also provides general dental services to patients in and around Cary, North Carolina.
Cosmetic Dentist in Cary, North Carolina

Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments

Are you ready to achieve the smile of your dreams? We offer several cosmetic dentistry treatments to enhance the appearance of your smile. Learn more about Invisalign, porcelain veneers, and teeth whitening to see if they are the right treatments for you.

Porcelain Veneers

Dental veneers are thin yet durable shells made of medical-grade porcelain. Dr. Brace will bond them to the front surface of teeth to improve their shape, color, size, or alignment. They are a popular cosmetic dentistry treatment that can change the appearance of your smile in virtually any way you can imagine.

Dr. Brace will help you come up with your ideal smile. Then, she will create your porcelain veneers based on that look. Placing your dental veneers involves several steps and two appointments. Dr. Brace will recommend teeth veneers to:

  • Close small gaps between teeth
  • Cover chipped and cracked teeth
  • Lengthen short teeth
  • Cover misaligned teeth
  • Whiten teeth that are too discolored for traditional professional teeth whitening

Porcelain veneers are known for their durability, stain resistance, and longevity with proper care. Regular dental hygiene practices, including brushing, flossing, and attending routine dental check-ups, are essential to maintain the health and longevity of your veneers. To learn more about the teeth veneer process, see Porcelain Veneers.

Teeth Whitening

Get a selfie-ready smile with our professional teeth whitening treatments. We offer Boost in-office whitening sessions as well as custom take-home whitening trays for you to choose from.

In-Office Teeth Whitening: If you’re looking for quick whitening results, you can come into our office for a one-hour, in-office teeth whitening session. We take care of the entire treatment, so all you have to do is sit back and relax. In as little as one hour, you can leave our office with a smile that’s up to eight shades lighter.

Custom Whitening Trays: To whiten on your own schedule, we recommend our take-home teeth whitening kits. Your kit will contain custom-fitted whitening trays, a tube of extra-strength bleaching gel, and a set of whitening instructions. With professional take-home trays, you can whiten your teeth in the comfort of your own home.

When you book a teeth whitening consultation, we discuss the pros and cons of each whitening option. To learn more about why you should choose professional teeth whitening over whitening products from a store, see Teeth Whitening.

Aligner Therapy

Want a straighter smile without the bars and brackets that go along with traditional metal braces? We offer a clear aligner system for adults and older teens.

Using clear and comfortable Invisalign trays, aligner therapy gradually and gently moves your teeth into more ideal positions. The best part is that the trays are completely removable, so you don’t have to give up your favorite foods!

Benefits of Invisalign

  • Clear and comfortable aligners gently reposition teeth
  • Trays are removable, so you can brush your teeth and eat without problems
  • Fewer adjustment appointments — just come in about every two weeks for new trays
  • A great alternative to metal braces for adults or older teens with mild straightening needs

To get started, Dr. Brace will take digital scans of your teeth. She will use the images to create a custom treatment plan that will deliver the results you desire. The Invisalign dental lab will then custom create each set of aligners to slowly shift your teeth into their proper positions. To learn more about aligner therapy, see Invisalign.

Botox® Cosmetic

Dr. Brace also offers Botox® Cosmetic in her dentist office. Botox is a great treatment to complement your cosmetic dental procedures and help reduce the signs of aging. It reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines in the face to contribute to a better looking smile.

Dr. Brace possesses the proper training to administer the injections safely in her dental office. This provides her patients a convenient option for additional cosmetic dental care. To learn more about the benefits of Botox® injections, see Botox® Cosmetic.

Cosmetic Dentistry FAQs

Are you curious about cosmetic dentistry? Do you have additional questions about treatments? Here, we answer common questions about cosmetic dentistry and the procedures we offer. If you are interested in improving the appearance of your smile, we hope this information is helpful. Please reach out if you have further questions or concerns.

What are the benefits of cosmetic dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry has at least several benefits. Some of them include enhancing your overall appearance, improving oral health, and restoring self-esteem. Moreover, most cosmetic dentistry procedures involve a short recovery period while you can relish long-lasting results.

Do dentists consider braces cosmetic dentistry?

Dentists and orthodontists consider braces an orthodontic treatment, which is a form of dentistry. They use orthodontics to correct misaligned teeth and can involve the use of braces, retainers, or other devices.

Dentists and orthodontics use braces to correct overbites, underbites, and uneven teeth. While braces may improve the appearance of someone’s smile, dentists and orthodontists do not consider it cosmetic dentistry.

What can cosmetic dentistry fix?

Cosmetic dentistry can fix several dental problems, including crooked teeth, gaps between teeth, and discoloration. It can also improve your overall self-esteem and the appearance of your smile.

 How long does it take to get results with teeth whitening?

The amount of time it takes to see results from teeth whitening depends on the type of whitening treatment you use. Generally, teeth whitening treatments take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks to show results.

How long do you wear an Invisalign?

Individuals must wear an Invisalign for about 6-12 months every day for 22 hours. However, most orthodontists believe that no one formula fits every patient. Treatment duration varies from patient to patient, depending on their unique dental needs. It can vary depending on your specific situation.

How often do porcelain veneers need to be replaced?

If you maintain your porcelain veneers, they can last from 10 to 15 years. However, people dealing with issues related to clenching or grinding teeth, tooth decay beneath the veneers, or experiencing other oral health issues might need to replace veneers more often.

Schedule a Consultation for Cosmetic Dentistry in Cary, NC

Call Cary, North Carolina dentist Dr. Brace for treatment at 919-823-7107. You may also request an appointment with Dr. Brace on our website. If you have any questions about your cosmetic dental options, let Dr. Brace know at your next visit. She will be happy to assist you.